I was chatting with a neighbour and her daughter the other day. Mostly about the snow melting and how much fun rubber boots are since it is tough to get abstract with a two-year-old. She knows my first name, where I live and sorta makes a sentence once every three tries. A few days later, I was being visited by a friend when there was a knock on the back door. It was my neighbour with her daughter who apparently wanted to talk to me some more even though I must look 60 feet tall to her. She got a few sentences out before she turned shy and decided to go home. When I turned to my visiting friend, she had teared up. That’s the way Gloria (Sharon Stone) feels when she finds out that Nicky Nuñez (Jean-Luke Figueroa), orphaned when his family is murdered, doesn’t have anyone in the world to care for him or to raise him. She figures she can give it a go much to the chagrin of her family and circle of friends.
- Director: Sidney Lumet; John Cassavetes
- Writer: John Cassavetes; Steve Antin
- Cast:
- Sharon Stone - Gloria
- Jean-Luke Figueroa - Nicky Nuñez
- Jeremy Northam - Kevin
- Cathy Moriarty - Diane
- George C. Scott - Ruby
- Mike Starr - Sean
- Bonnie Bedelia - Brenda
- Barry McEvoy - Terry
- Don Billett - Raymond
- Jerry Dean - Mickey
- Tony DiBenedetto - Zach
- Teddy Atlas - Ian
- Bobby Cannavale - Jack Jesus Nunez
- Sarita Choudhury - Angela
- Miriam Colon - Maria
- Desiree Casado - Luz