Local Hero (1983)

Local Hero

One day, a friend said that Local Hero was her favourite movie. She went on at length as to why it was. In my usual fashion, I took the info in and set it aside for future consideration. I was waiting for another unrelated conversation to happen which would mention the movie is some context or other. I’ve found this approach often will lead me to finding something I’ll like or, at least, appreciate. Nothing did. One day, I watched Bill Forsyth’s Gregory’s Girl and it reminded me of our conversation. I figured anyone who could direct such a delightful film must have talent. So I bought a VHS version of Local Hero and was smiling like a happy puppy. I delighted in Gordon Urquhart (Denis Lawson) and his wife Stella (Jennifer Black) when they got frisky, chortled when Mac MacIntyre (Peter Riegert) found out what he was eating after saving the rabbit on the road into town and cringed when the scooter rider made another run down main street. When laser discs came out, I bought another copy and rewatching brought more delight to me that my first viewing. Then I purchased a DVD copy when my laser disc player went on the blink and the cost of repair/replacement scared the pants off me. Now it is an annual ritual of which I never tire. I guess my friend was right.

Director:  Bill Forsyth
Writer:  Bill Forsyth
Burt Lancaster -  Happer
Peter Riegert -  Mac
Fulton Mackay -  Ben
Denis Lawson -  Urquhart
Norman Chancer -  Moritz
Peter Capaldi -  Oldsen
Rikki Fulton -  Geddes
Alex Norton -  Watt
Jenny Seagrove -  Marina
Jennifer Black -  Stella
Christopher Rozycki -  Victor
Christopher Asante -  Rev Macpherson
John Jackson -  Cal
Dan Ammerman -  Donaldson
Tam Dean Burn -  Roddy
Luke Coulter -  Baby


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