National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

One side of my family ancestors are Scots and Irish immigrant farmers who have been here for more than 200 years, settled in assorted parts of the country. The other side worked in stone in the north of England and answered the North American call for cannon fodder in WWI. Until about two years ago, I knew none of this. I knew my grandparents’s names and where one of them was born. So when Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) tells the US president (Bruce Greenwood), after he sorta kidnaps him, that everything he is is because of his ancestors, I can understand. Two years ago, I might have gone along with the astrology of my birthday since the description seems to hold. But now that I know some of my ancestry, I have a better grasp on why I am who I am. But I’m having trouble figuring out my sister. Maybe she was adopted.

Director:  Jon Turteltaub; Jon Turtletaub
Writer:  Marianne Wibberley; Cormac Wibberley; Gregory Poirier; Ted Elliott; Terry Rossio; Jim Kouf; Oren Aviv; Charles Segars; Jerry Bruckheimer; The Wibberleys
Nicolas Cage -  Ben Gates
Justin Bartha -  Riley Poole
Diane Kruger -  Abigail Chase
Jon Voight -  Patrick Gates
Helen Mirren -  Prof. Emily Appleton
Ed Harris -  Mitch Wilkinson
Harvey Keitel -  Agent Sadusky
Bruce Greenwood -  The President
Ty Burrell -  Connor
Michael Maize -  Daniel
Timothy V. Murphy -  Seth
Alicia Coppola -  FBI Agent Spellman
Albert Hall -  Dr. Nichols
Armando Riesco -  FBI Agent Hendricks
Joel Gretsch -  Thomas Gates
Christian Camargo -  John Wilkes Booth


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