The Sentinel (2006)

The Sentinel

How do you convince the powers that be that you didn’t do something? All of the clues lead Secret Service investigator David Breckinridge (Kiefer Sutherland) to conclude that his colleague Peter Garrison (Michael Douglas) is a traitor involved in a plot to assassinate POTUS (David Rasche). Pete happens to be in a coffee shop that is a drop for a drug cartel, he has a bank account that has dubious deposits, he has failed a polygraph, he finds himself as bait for an informant who has breached Secret Service security, he’s shifty and evasive in answering questions and it is obvious that he is hiding something. The investigators want to know what it is when they burst into Pete’s home. Unfortunately for him, his secret has nothing to do with any plot against the government but could bring about its collapse.

Director:  Clark Johnson
Writer:  George Nolfi; Gerald Petievich
Michael Douglas -  Pete Garrison
Kiefer Sutherland -  David Breckinridge
Eva Longoria -  Jill Marin
Martin Donovan -  William Montrose
Ritchie Coster -  The Handler
Kim Basinger -  1st Lady Sarah Ballentine
Blair Brown -  National Security Advisor
David Rasche -  President Ballentine
Kristin Lehman -  Cindy Breckinridge
Raynor Scheine -  Walter Xavier
Chuck Shamata -  Director Overbrook
Paul Calderon -  Deputy Director Cortes
Clark Johnson -  Charlie Merriweather
Raoul Bhaneja -  Aziz Hassad
Yanna McIntosh -  Teddy Vargas
Joshua Peace -  Agent Davies


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